Myanmar’s first ever locally manufactured drug for Covid19 Pandemic: “FAVIPAC (Favipiravir 200mg), COVID-19 treatment (oral tablets)

Myanmar’s first ever locally manufactured drug for Covid19 Pandemic: “FAVIPAC (Favipiravir 200mg), COVID-19 treatment (oral tablets)

To produce Favipiravir 200mg (Original Product’s Brand Name: Avigan from Japan), a product used by countries like &Japan, Russia, China, India, Taiwan, countries in Europe and South America, PMI’s foreign research & formulation scientists along with local pharmacists have collaborated to produce this Covid-19 treatment as generic medicine using imported raw materials at PMI’s R & D Center.

💊In early October of this year, a registration sample and dossier for this generic medicine, FAVIPAC (Favipiravir 200mg) tablet, was submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA of Myanmar). Now, FAVIPAC is officially Myanmar FDA-approved.

💊FAVIPAC (Favipiravir 200mg) can be administered at the onset of mild COVID-19 symptoms. The therapy brings about the following benefits: it helps in the recuperation of patients with mild symptoms and mitigates the risks of the symptoms aggravating and the disease worsening.

💊 Remdesivir, which everyone knows, is an injectable that COVID-19 patients with moderate to severe symptoms are administered during their 5-10 days internment in the hospital. Being an injectable, the risks posed on the patient may be higher due to direct application in the blood stream, avoiding the “first-pass effect”. Manufacturing, storage and handling controls are very critical for this type of dosage form.

💊 Thus, we believe that FAVIPAC pills will be beneficial to the nation, donors, doctors and COVID-19 patients with its ease in administration and less critical manufacturing, storage and handling requirements.

💊In this COVID-19 pandemic, in which treatment is critical, Pacific-AA foundation has donated 58.5 million kyats worth of FAVIPAC as part of the company’s efforts to support the country at this time of great need for healthcare provisions.

💊 60,000 FAVIPAC (Favipiravir 200mg) tablets were provided to 25 hospitals nationwide that are treating COVID-19 via the national COVID-19 prevention, control, and treatment committee.

💊 PMI has also started to develop the Favipac 400mg tablet with the same meticulous R&D and technical oversight as the lower dosage strength as we continue to focus our efforts to turning the tide against the Covid 19 pandemic.