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Sail With Fluza Lucky Draw

Sail With Fluza Lucky Draw

  • 10-03-2025
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  • Fluza Lucky Draw

Fluza အအေးမိတုပ်ကွေးဖျားနာပျောက်ဆေး ကို AA Medical Products Ltd (Pacific AA Group) မှ တင်သွင်းဖြန့်ချီတာဖြစ်ပါတယ်။

The team of Fluza, a medicine that cures fevers and colds, organized a "Sail with Fluza" trade lucky draw campaign for owners of pharmaceutical stores who have always unequivocally supported Fluza. It was celebrated on February 19th, 2019, in the Chevrolet Myanmar showroom in Pazundaung Township. Over 1,000 stores participated in "Sail with Fluza" campaign. Based upon the purchase of Fluza along the lines of September, October, and November 2018, the lucky draw was categorized into the diamond, gold, and silver lucky. draws. For these categories, including a Chevrolet Sail (car), 12 prizes such as two ticals of gold, a Samsung Note 9, a 55-inch Sony LED TV, a Hitachi refrigerator, and a cheque of 60 million kyats. These prizes were awarded to store owners from various divisions and states based on the lucky draw selection and results. The lucky prize winners are the following people:

1. Myint Shwe (U Sein Toe in Taungoo): winner of the Chevrolet Sail (car)

2. Myo Thant (Zeewaka in Natmauk): winner of two ticals of gold

3. Zin Mar Lwin (U Thein Saw in Yangon): winner of two ticals of gold

4. Zin Min Htwe (U Kan Myint in Kawthaung): winner of two ticals of gold

5. Dr. Khin Maung Zaw (Inle in Pyay): winner of the Samsung Note 9 and the Hitachi refrigerator

6. Thant Zin (Ar Yaw Gyan in Yangon): winner of the 55-inch Sony LED TV

7. Tin Aye Po (Zeewaka in Pyay): winner of the 55-inch Sony LED TV

8. Than Htike Aung (Ko Than Htike Aung in Nantkan): winner of the 55-inch Sony LED TV

9. Hla Myint (Thein in Pathein): winner of the Hitachi refrigerator

10. San Lei Win (Pwint Pwint in Mandalay): winner of the Hitachi refrigerator

11. Soe Myint Tun (Tun in Myitkyina): winner of the Hitachi refrigerator

To conclude, this event was held by AA Medical Products Ltd to further import and promote Fluza, a medicine that cures fevers and colds.